family recipe - salmon burgers

Family Recipe - Salmon Burgers

Our families and friends love to try new recipes with our frozen wild caught seafood. With no better way to kick off their weekend, fisher Gwen & Alex have shared their very own Sockeye Salmon Burger recipe! 



  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 
  2. Put 4-6oz portions on a baking sheet and glaze with BBQ sauce. 
  3. Bake salmon at 350 degrees for 16 minutes. 
  4. Take off skin and remove any seen bones, then place in a mixing bowl. 
  5. Add mayonnaise, liquid eggs, and corn flakes to mixing bowl. 
  6. Mix with your hands until the salmon begins to sticks together. 
  7. Form palm-sized balls and flatten to make the patty. 
  8. Sear with lid for 3 minutes on each side (or until slightly golden brown). 
  9. When patties are done, put butter on buns and sear in skillet to toast. 
  10. Put together burger with preferred toppings and - viola! 

Baking Sockeye Salmon Portions Sockeye Salmon Portions in Mixing Bowl Making Sockeye Salmon Burger Patties Sockeye Salmon Burger Patties Cooking Sockeye Salmon Burger Patties Homemade Sockeye Salmon Burger 


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