Happy Earth Day!
Happy Earth Day! Our planet is an amazing place. Bountiful oceans, flourishing forests, majestic mountains, peaceful meadows, meandering rivers - we can all celebrate the bounty and beauty of our earth today, and look for ways to invest in its future health.
The first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970 by an estimated twenty million caring Americans committed to helping our planet heal and thrive. That same year, Congress, catching the political winds, authorized the creation of the Environmental Protection Act, soon to be followed by an improved Clean Air Act, a Clean Water Act, and the Endangered Species Act.
Earth Day is now annually celebrated by hundreds of countries and millions of people around the world, either on April 22, as America does, or, as the United Nations has chosen to do, on the vernal equinox, a changing springtime day. Individuals, corporations and communities tackle local and global challenges while celebrating important steps we’ve all made on our environmental journeys.
In Alaska, we celebrate our successful salmon runs. Here’s why: Our state is world-famous for managing its fisheries wisely, and we fishers follow rigorous sustainability practices so that those healthy Alaska sockeye salmon continue to grace our rivers and our plates.
At The Popsie Fish Company, a multi-generational family-owned business, we provide you with just what you’re looking for: the traceability of your wild-caught Alaskan sockeye salmon. From the fisher to the fork, we like to say.
So Happy Earth Day! We hope you enjoy the bounty of our beautiful Bristol Bay, and treat yourself and your family to one of the earth’s healthiest and finest renewable products: wild-caught Alaska sockeye salmon.